Christina M. Hinke


Published in Exit Weekly


Kirsten Dunst stars as the Bubble Gum Queen in Marie Antoinette
She sat down with me to discuss the film and her childhood memories of growing up shoreside in New Jersey.

by Christina M. Hinke
Exit weekly
Oct. 18, 2006

Dunst on the Garden State

When did you move from Point Pleasant to L.A.?

I started school in sixth grade, so I was around like 10 or 11 when I moved, officially. I would go back and forth to L.A. before that.

Have you been back to Point Pleasant?

I haven't been back because all of my family moved. My aunt and uncle went to Florida and the rest of my family moved to Los Angeles. But I miss New Jersey.

What are some of your memorable experiences?

It's my childhood, running off the dock at my grandparents' house into the bay and the boardwalk. It's my basis for my young life.

Do you prefer Point Pleasant beach over the beaches in L.A.?

There's a different resonance in the East Coast to me than there is in the West Coast. There are beautiful places in both, but to me that's my home beach. It means more to me there.

- Christina M. Hinke

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